Thursday, March 29, 2012

UAA's Drew Cason, 8 minutes

Thank you for coming, Stanford.

Faris ended his speech with antidiscrimination laws. A businessman might not hire a transgender person because it may affect his ability to sell books at his bookstore. It is a business decision. Does not say what this business owner believes. We should not punish a bigot differently than we punish a business man.

Hate crime includes religions -- they were not born into the religion. There is no characteristic that is utterly mutable or immutable. Homelessness, who chooses that?

Better ways to go about this.

Faris said this crime should be punished because its impact is larger. But Drew argues that Unabomber instills fear in a whole community. Broader impact with those crimes than someone who commits a hate crime. A vast majority of these are inadmissiable in court.

Faris: Drop the hammer on the Unabomber!

Drew: Your argument is that the impact of a hate crime is larger. Numerous crimes cause psychological distress for members of society.

Better way: Focus on integration. Policies like Andrew Sullivan writes about, opposed to hate crime laws. You are punishing thought. Most crimes have an element of hate in them, whether against a protected class or not. We will never succeed in eliminating it.

What we can succeed at doing is help people be immune to psychological damage. Sensitivity training.
Bullying teenagers. But bullying is not criminalized. They do small things that oppress others. Fix that, not the big sexy hate crime on the news.

They want a national court room show. Ignore them.

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